Monday, 10 June 2013

All about octopus

This season's treat from Sam Llewellyn contains an article of mine about octopus. How to catch them--and what they do to evade you--how to dispatch them quickly and how to prepare them for the pot.

As I've said elsewhere on this blog the octopus is an extraordinary creature and one that I find endlessly fascinating. Initially the article started as a way for me to organise all the information that I'd accumulated about octopus, from observation, reference and fishermen. As I started to write I began to see that I could fit the whole octopus story into the tale of catching one.  So that's what you have, all the details of diving for octopus in this summer's MQ. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for your article at The Marine Quarterly! It was very nice to meet you (also) there.
    The MQ summer issue has been a delightful reading during our cruising holidays around Galician Rias Baixas.
    So the lovely booklet came with us everywhere: cockpit, dinghy, sand beach, back onboard... You can see the evidence photos at:

