Thursday, 16 June 2011

More from Morbihan

The only other Spanish people up at Morbihan, apart from the Basques who were the guests of honour, were a couple of friends from Catalunya. I had no idea they’d attend, though being the saltiest couple I know I suppose it was hardly surprising. Xavi Canos and Monica Sitjes live in Cardona a landlocked town about 100km from the sea, yet most weekends they can be found sailing their Drascombe Scaffie somewhere on the Catalan coast.

One of the bonuses about running into friends, apart from their uncanny knowledge of bus times (they’d done this before you see), was that they could take photos.

Onawind Blue was distinctly camera shy all week. I’ve been through a few videos on youtube and haven’t seen a trace of her. Except in this one of the fleet arriving in St Goustan, after a long afternoon beating up the river Loch. Xavi and Mónica are some of the first in and you can just see OB’s sails in the background at 2.05.

The next morning my friends sailed close and got some good shots of OB going down the river and on the Golfe.

All photos by Mónica Sitjes.


  1. Hi Ben,
    First of all, forgive me about my low-medium english.
    Second, Ive beem reading your blog for a long time, and I like it so much.
    Specially the OB things.
    Ive been looking for a stich and glue, row-sail light boat plans for some time. The light trow design is the one I liked since the begining of the searching.
    My plan is to have the boat ready for next spring (2012).

    I was wondering if you could help with some quick answers about the construction and posible improves in the boat.

    Not sure if you would like to see a boat like yours around.
    Im in Barcelona.

    From a big fan of your blog,


  2. Hi Dhiego,

    Glad you've enjoyed the blog. You can ask any questions you want about the boat, here in the comments box or by email.

