Saturday, 14 May 2011

The Cyrano

When the doctors say I can’t go sailing yet I take it to mean ‘small boat’ sailing—discomfort, cold and the possibility of getting soaked—not standing on the weather deck of a brigatine under a sun hat watching other people pull ropes and climb rigging.

So over the past two months I’ve been very happy to join the crew of El Cyrano for their weekend sails from Tarragona Harbour. The sea off the city is littered with tankers waiting their turn to enter port, and when the call comes they up anchors and steam in. The captain of the Cyrano says it can be tricky. I agree as I’ve rowed and sailed OB across these waters a few times. For now though I can leave that worry to him.

The Cyrano makes a point of always unfurling all her sails. There are no winches, just muscle power. The brig heels slightly, rolls and creaks. The crew look proudly up at the broad expanses of billowing canvas. Obviously I’d rather be up the rigging myself, though that’s just a matter of time.


  1. Different scale of problem but when I broke my foot a few years ago and had a cast my Doctor warned me not to get it wet, so I wrapped it in 2 or 3 plastic carrier bags and gaffer tape and went sailing - seemed to work except in a capsize!!

  2. Ben,
    Estic molt content de veure't de nou en forma. Pel que he entès vares ser un tripulant de luxe en el vaixell del bon amic Miquel Melero, el Cyrano. Quina sort tens de poder gaudir de la seva silueta al mar al teu abast. Des de Palamós el trobem a faltar. Una abraçada!

  3. Jordi,

    Espero que ens veiem aquest estiu en alguna trobada. Ara que tinc remolc em mouré més.
    una abraçada.

  4. the sails filling, the rigging, the creaking of the hull, the water against her sides…it is the sounds I love. No motor–just the silent wind which drives her forward. This is something I wish more people could experience!

    Cyrano is lovely! Fair winds!
