Sunday 29 November 2009

La Gazelle des Sables

This remarkable craft is a scaled down tuna fishing boat from Les Sables d’Olonne on the Breton coast. The 55kg hull is 2.70 metres (8’10”) long and 1.22 wide, it is double skinned, unsinkable and, carrying 65 litres of water ballast, self-righting. The hull is made from polyester and with its gaff mainsail, topsail, flying jib and jib set on aluminium spars it can carry from 3.9 m2 to 11.8m2 of sailcloth.

The salty looking boat is reportedly fast, stable and safe. It was one of the only interesting craft at The Barcelona Boat show and a long chat with the sales woman quite tickled my appetite to try one—all those sails and bits of string.

More photos and video too at La Gazelle des Sables.


  1. beautiful tiny tuna fishing boat, I wish I could have one of those and sail in the vast green-blue ocean, I'm just kidding, but it would be nice to have it to show it to my family and friend

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